senior safety

Fall Prevention: Steps to Reduce the Risk of Falls in the Home

Fall Prevention: Steps to Reduce the Risk of Falls in the Home

September is Fall Prevention Month. According to the National Institute on Aging, the risk of falling increases with age and more than one in four people age 65 years or older fall each year. The following are steps seniors and their families can follow to reduce the risk of falls in the home.

Aging In Place Tips for Safe and Accessible Homes

Aging In Place Tips for Safe and Accessible Homes

Many older adults want to age in place (stay in their homes as they get older) but may have concerns about safety getting around or other daily activities. Here are some tips on making senior’s homes safe and accessible .

Mobility Aids For Seniors

Mobility Aids For Seniors

Mobility aids are important tools for seniors who need them because they allow for safe independence when they have trouble with mobility and stability.

Reduce Senior Fall Risks With A Home Safety Check

Reduce Senior Fall Risks With A Home Safety Check

A fall is often the top reason independent seniors lose their mobility and begin to fade from good health. Perils in a home add up over time and increase the risk of accidents, but while a fall is unpredictable, regular home safety checks help lower the odds and keep seniors safe.